CardanoCafe is member of Climate Neutral Cardano Group
Epoch | Time | TXs | Output | Slot Leader |
540 | 18th Feb 15:22:13 UTC 18th 15:22 UTC | 12 | 0.08 M ADA | [CAFE] |
540 | 18th Feb 14:30:58 UTC 18th 14:30 UTC | 21 | 8.47 M ADA | [CAFE] |
540 | 18th Feb 13:45:13 UTC 18th 13:45 UTC | 17 | 0.76 M ADA | [CAFE] |
540 | 18th Feb 13:41:44 UTC 18th 13:41 UTC | 1 | 0 M ADA | [CAFE] |
540 | 18th Feb 06:38:18 UTC 18th 06:38 UTC | 12 | 6.56 M ADA | [CAFE2] |
540 | 18th Feb 05:48:50 UTC 18th 05:48 UTC | 15 | 0.92 M ADA | [CAFE2] |
540 | 18th Feb 05:42:11 UTC 18th 05:42 UTC | 19 | 0.64 M ADA | [CAFE] |
540 | 18th Feb 05:36:42 UTC 18th 05:36 UTC | 10 | 0.3 M ADA | [CAFE] |
540 | 18th Feb 05:02:00 UTC 18th 05:02 UTC | 1 | 0.15 M ADA | [CAFE] |
540 | 18th Feb 04:28:41 UTC 18th 04:28 UTC | 4 | 0.12 M ADA | [CAFE3] |
[CAFE] |
[CAFE2] |
[CAFE3] |
ROA Lifetime: | 3.690 % | 3.210 % | 2.030 % |
Luck Lifetime: | 99 % | 99 % | 107 % |
Margin: | 1.00 % | 0.00 % | 0.00 % |
Pledge: | 100 k ADA | 100 k ADA | 100 k ADA |
Saturation: | 89.32 % | 12.55 % | 2.24 % |
Delegators: | 4967 | 597 | 62 |
CardanoCafe is proud to be a member of Climate Neutral Cardano.
Climate Neutral Cardano (CNC) is an alliance of Cardano stake pools committed to using 100% renewable energy for the operation of their stake pool servers. In addition, they donate a portion of their pool operator rewards to protect their climate and environment. CNC is working together with the Cardano Community, institutions and external parties to achieve their common goal of making Cardano the most eco-friendly blockchain platform.
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