Cardano Africa Agreement

Cardano Development Update

Cardano Africa Agreement

This week's biggest news was the announcement that IOHK has confirmed an agreement with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Education that will bring 5,000,000 secondary school students and 700,000 teachers in 3,500 schools into the Cardano ecosystem.

It ranks as the biggest blockchain deal of all time. IOHK will initiate a blockchain based digital identity for each of the participants using Cardano and Atala PRISM, one of several remarkable blockchain use-case systems designed by EMURGO. As members of the community know, the Cardano Foundation, IOHK, and EMURGO are the three pillars of Cardano with Ada being the native token. (More to come about Ada and its namesake in a future post.)
The scope of Charles Hoskinson’s vision for Africa is breathtaking. Tablets and devices will be distributed to all 5.7 million participants who will use Cardano and Atala PRISM to collectively create a national recording system that will verify their identity, grades, school performance, diplomas, and certificates of achievement.  Students will have this information securely stored in the blockchain, and teachers will have access to their assignments, diplomas, certifications, and the performance of their students which will help them identify their most successful methods. This is only the beginning for Cardano as it broadens its reach in Africa,  fulfilling Charles’s intention to “document the undocumented and provide banking to the unbanked”.  However, before that can be fully achieved a massive development of cellular connectivity will be put in place to “connect the unconnected.” This will done in partnership with World Mobile to empower remote areas across the continent. 
For a the "long form" detailed explanation of this huge accomplishment and the importance it has and will have for Africa and the world, please go to the Cardano website at, or directly to the Africa Special page at You can get a very good condensed version by viewing David Orr’s Mini  Africa Edition on YouTube which Charles Hoskinson references in his most recent vlog.
No words can adequately describe the inspiring message that this record breaking deal brings to the continent of Africa, and to the worldwide Cardano Community. All of us who are part of the CardanoCafe community are beneficiaries of the relentless hard work and efforts being made. The Africa Agreement confirms the world changing, life changing impact that blockchain technology makes possible.
written by: Eric Hill     published at: May 2, 2021

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