CardanoCafe's Blog

Knowledge Base

Vasil Dabov, Symbolism, and Cardano

My previous post highlighted the accomplishments and lifelong interests of Vasil St Dabov who Cardano's Vasil Hard Fork is named after. Along with being one of the first IT pioneers in Bulgaria, as well as a blockchain pioneer, an ecologist, an agronomist, a programming genius, and a Cardano Ambassador, in his personal life Vasil was passionate about Symbolism. In particular he took a deep interest in 5 symbols that represent enlightened thought, emerging consciousness, the interconnectivity of mind and body, and emerging patterns in biological and spiritual development: the Enneagram, the Leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba tree, the Tibetan Buddhist Dorje, Icosahedrons, and Cyrillic Script.

Sep 17, 2022, by Eric Hill

Stake Pool Operation

Quick Post: Recent Block Production and Rewards

Our Telegram Channel has received some excellent questions regarding Cafe's track record for creation of blocks and the rewards associated with this process. Here is a quick look at a recent highly productive run of block creation during some of the most recent epochs.

Jul 26, 2022, by Eric Hill

Knowledge Base

What Did Vasil St. Dabov Have In Common With CardanoCafe?

The Vasil Hard Fork is named after Vasil Stoyanov Dabov, the Bulgarian mathematician, environmentalist, entrepreneur, Cardano Ambassador, and friend of Charles Hoskinson who passed away on December 5th, 2021. Running parallel with his work in blockchain technology and his commitment to Cardano, was his lifelong pursuit of planting trees, more than 10,000 of them in all. His passion for tree planting is a direct connection to Cafe's reforestation project in Panama.

Jul 21, 2022, by Eric Hill

Knowledge Base

Cardano Eras

The greatly anticipated Vasil Hard Fork ushers in "Basho", the fourth Era of Cardano's planned growth and development.  Before presenting a basic overview of the features of the Vasil Hard Fork and the Basho Era, I thought it would be good to review the past Eras of the Cardano Roadmap, highlight who they are named after, and see how far we've come.

Jul 11, 2022, by Eric Hill

Stake Pool Operation

Support Cafe's Reforestation Initiative In Panama

We are continuously looking to strengthen our support for our environmental projects. With your help and the the delegated stake by delegators like you we want to extend Cafe's area of reforestation in Panama to 10,000m².

Jul 4, 2022, by Eric Hill

Knowledge Base

Rays Of Light During A Dark Time

With the crypto markets reeling from multiple negative upheavals and bad news coming in from seemingly every possible angle, I wanted to go against the tide of dark influences and put a different perspective out there for everyone in our Cafe family.

Jun 21, 2022, by Eric Hill

Cardano Explained

Why Cardano Matters Even More To Me When The Market Has Turned Downward

The recent reversal in the cryptocurrency markets has exposed our community to the stark realities of the risks and potential disasters that come with new technologies that have financial value and worldwide recognition. Obviously, I am not in favor of seeing my Ada become less valuable, but my participation in Cardano was never about getting rich quick or becoming an overnight crypto-millionaire. My commitment is founded upon deeper and more significant beliefs and values. I wanted to take a few minutes to remind everyone that there is a lot more to Cardano than price movements and market analysis.

May 22, 2022, by Eric Hill

Knowledge Base

Cardano Wallets Part 2: Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets provide us with what is commonly referred to as "Cold Storage" for our Ada as opposed to "Hot wallets" which are directly connected to the internet either through a browser, a browser extension, or a mobile App. Hardware wallets have evolved remarkably over the last few years. You can send, receive, delegate, and stake your Ada using hardware wallets, and you can also connect with a variety of Exchanges, Defi opportunities, Dapps, DEXes, and NFT marketplaces as well. A secondary market has also evolved bringing us incredibly well constructed security devices that house your hardware wallet or protect your seed phrases and PIN, keeping them safe from fire damage, water damage, and theft. Hardware wallets are considered to be the most secure way of holding your Ada and other cryptocurrencies. Four of the best known are highlighted in this post.

Mar 27, 2022, by Eric Hill

Knowledge Base

Cardano Wallets Part 1: Daedalus, Yoroi, AdaLite

We all know that the first rule and priority of the cryptocurrency world is to keep our tokens safe and secure. Any good crypto wallet enables the sending and receiving of tokens, but Since Cardano is based on a delegated Proof Of Stake protocol, the next most important consideration is which wallet simultaneously gives you the ability to delegate your Ada to a Stake Pool of your choice. Choosing the right wallet for your purposes is similar to choosing a Stake Pool that best matches your goals and self determined principles.

Feb 11, 2022, by Eric Hill

Knowledge Base

2021 Cardano Summit Highlights Partnership Announcements Part 5

Cardano has committed $100,000,000 (yes, that's One Hundred Million Dollars), and created two new venture capital groups that will provide investments for companies that develop projects and products that will involve Cardano in the process. The subsidiaries will collaborate with startups around the world utilizing the Cardano blockchain and Cardano products.

Jan 8, 2022, by Eric Hill

Stake Pool Operation

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

When a P2P network becomes a tree decoration and network cables become presents, then its time for Christmas. CardanoCafe says thank you and wishes a Merry Christmas to you!

Dec 22, 2021, by Chris

Knowledge Base

2021 Cardano Summit Highlights Partnership Announcements Part 4

Charles Hoskinson closed out the 2021 Worldwide Cardano Summit by announcing the latest partnership between Cardano and Coti, and the upcoming release of the first ever Cardano Stablecoin called "Djed".

Dec 19, 2021, by Eric Hill

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