CardanoCafe's Blog

Stake Pool Operation

First Block roasted by CAFE2

Today, I am happy to announce that our new cozy stake pool CardanoCafe 2 roasted its first block.

Jan 20, 2021, by Chris

Stake Pool Operation

CardanoCafe roasted its 100th block

CardanoCafe is happy to announce its 100th roasted block. Thank you delegators for your support! You're the best!

Jan 9, 2021, by Chris

Stake Pool Operation

3rd Relay Node launched

CardanoCafe has launched an additional relay node.

Jan 3, 2021, by Chris

Stake Pool Operation

Review of previous two weeks

CardanoCafe is happy to look back at two fabulous weeks. In just two weeks we created more blocks than we did in total during the four months before.

Dec 11, 2020, by Chris

Stake Pool Operation

We minted our 10th Block!

It's finally there: Our 10th block! Thanks to all our delegators for your loyal support!

Dec 2, 2020, by Chris

Stake Pool Operation

New Block per Epoch Record & CardanoCafe Updated to 1.23.0

CardanoCafe achieved new records in epoch 232: for the first time, we achieved three blocks per epoch.

Dec 1, 2020, by Chris

Knowledge Base

How to setup prometheus and grafana on a dedicated machine to monitor your cardano nodes

Prometheus and grafana are helpful tools to monitor your nodes. They have a built-in alert function which notifies you about arising problems. This guide will show how to setup your infrastructure to do this monitoring with a separate machine thus not requiring additional installations on your vital cardano nodes.

Nov 21, 2020, by Chris

Stake Pool Operation

Project Page released

The new project page of CardanoCafe is online which shows what charity organizations get support from CardanoCafe.

Nov 15, 2020, by Chris

Stake Pool Operation

Third Block Found

We have good news: After a long period of waiting we have finally minted our third block.

Nov 9, 2020, by Chris

Knowledge Base

Converting YAML to JSON when configuring RTView

RTView is a new monitoring tool released by IOHK. When configuring or installing RTView, you might need the help of yaml to json converters.

Nov 8, 2020, by Chris

Stake Pool Operation

Pledge doubled, Fee decreased to 0% + 340 ADA

I am happy to announce good news for you. We doubled pledge and reduced the fees of our pool.

Oct 27, 2020, by Chris

Stake Pool Operation

Additional relay node added

CardanoCafe updated its infrastructure. Our block producing node is now secured by an additional relay node. This helps minimizing maintenance downtimes.

Oct 15, 2020, by Chris

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