CardanoCafe's Blog

Stake Pool Operation

CardanoCafe updated to 1.21.1

New versions of cardano have been released on GitHub by IOHK. We updated our relay and block producing nodes to newest version 1.21.1 accordingly.

Oct 7, 2020, by Chris

Knowledge Base

Cardano Stake Pool Course

A great way to help new stake pool operators in setting up their own stake pool is learning from the docs of the official Cardano Stake Pool School. It was launched by the Cardano Foundation in August 2020.

Oct 3, 2020, by Chris

Stake Pool Operation

Second Block - Pledge doubled

The team of CardanoCafe is happy to announce that we have minted our second block today. Again, to show our gratitude to all our delegators we doubled our pledge to 50k ADA.

Sep 30, 2020, by Chris

Stake Pool Operation

New Website and ASNS feature online

Our new website was launched today with a clean flat design in the colours of coffee. We are proud to announce our new feature called automated saturation notification.

Sep 29, 2020, by Chris

Stake Pool Operation

We have reached more than 1.0M ADA

Today we are proud to announce that we have reached a live stake of more than 1.0M ADA. This live stake will go active in next epoch 221.

Sep 28, 2020, by Chris

Stake Pool Operation

First Block - Pledge increased

We, the team of CardanoCafe, are proud to announce that we have minted our first block. To show our gratitude to all our delegators we more than doubled our pledge to 25k ADA.

Sep 25, 2020, by Chris

Knowledge Base

Security Tipps for Stake Pool Operators (SPOs)

This article aims to provide an additional layer of security to your nodes according to swiss cheese model by preventing SSH login via public WAN. Using VPN and (V)LANs both relay- and block-producing nodes get isolated from the web.

Sep 21, 2020, by Chris

Knowledge Base

Updated Knowledge Base

We published a comprehensive guide including security tipps for Stake Pool Operators (SPOs) in our Knowledge Base. Thanks to the collegues and SPOs who contributed to this article.

Sep 21, 2020, by Chris

Knowledge Base

Updated Knowledge Base

We improved our guide about updating cardano node to latest version 1.19.1.

Sep 19, 2020, by Chris

Stake Pool Operation

First big amount of delegated ADA

An amount of more than 700k ADA were delegated to our Stake Pool CardanoCafe.

Sep 18, 2020, by Chris

Knowledge Base

How to update Cardano Node 1.19.0 to 1.19.1?

This guide helps when updating cardano-node to latest version 1.19.1.

Sep 5, 2020, by Chris

Knowledge Base

Guide to Update Cardano Node to Latest Version 1.19.1

We published a small guide about updating your cardano node to latest version 1.19.1

Sep 5, 2020, by Chris

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